The task was to create a school magazine and make sure it was aimed at a particular target audience. We had to make a front cover and contents page for the magazine. I created a draft idea on paper first before creating the real copy in photoshop.
Below you can see a copy of my first draft:
I then re-created my design in photoshop and added effects, colour and photos to the magazine
Below is my complete magazine made in photoshop:
My target audience is Year 7 students. This is because they are new to the school and may find the magazine interesting and useful to them as they are getting used to the new environment. They may think of it as a guide during the first few weeks of school. The theme of the magazine is ‘Back to school’ and therefore provides the new Year 7’s with plenty of information about what Haydon has to offer them.
I decided to the colours around the uniform colours, as it’s recognisable and looks professional and draws the reader in at the same time. The contrast of the dark blue and the bright yellow makes certain parts of the magazine stand out more which is the effect I was looking for. I also included some text in white because having too much navy blue and yellow would make it hard to read and the colours would merge together and wouldn’t look effective.
The font I decided to use for most of the text is impact, because its bold and easy to read quickly. This is very suitable for a magazine as I want people to read it quickly and want to pick it up and read into it. However I did use another font called Edwardian script which was older fashioned to compliment well with the big bold texts. I only used this font on subheadings and smaller text. But it is still easy to wear as I made the text bold.
My cover models are a year 7 boy and girl, to emphasise that the magazine will appeal to both genders and other people their age. They both look positive and happy which is to represent how helpful the magazine is to new students. They are both wearing uniform which looks very smart and formal and sets an example for possible readers.
On the contents page I decided to use an image of the well known Haydon stag. This is the Haydon logo so the readers can familiarise themselves with it and relate to it. Across the bottom of the page I have included an image of the new building at Haydon. The image of the building links well to the target audience as it will help them to orientate themselves when around the school. It also matches well with the rest of the page and the colours match well.
I also placed some of my own images on the pages such as the pencil on the contents page and the megaphone on the title. The megaphone links with the title ‘Shout’ as the words are coming from it. I chose the name shout as I think many year 7’s are energetic and enthusiastic and shout sums it up well. It’s also short and snappy which will make it catchier. The pencil underlines the contents heading and links the magazine back to school and the traditional school items you would expect to see in a magazine.
Overall, I think I have created a successful school magazine and have considered my target audience throughout. I have made sure it links with the school well and is interesting for possible readers.
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