How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My music magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults around the age of 16-25. Therefore the model I have used to represent the main artists is in this age bracket to make it more appealing to people of the same age.
On the front cover, my main image is of a female artist sitting crossed legged. This is eye catching as it’s an unusual shot and she is looking directly at the camera. This makes it more personal and targets the reader straight away. Her quirky clothing makes us think that this reflects the type of personality that she has and also what her music may be like. This then attracts the reader to the magazine more as the younger generation are always looking for something new and exciting. Her clothing is all black white and red which links in with the rest of the colour scheme and the typical indie/rock genre. The red lips and bow tie connotates danger and could also suggest to the reader that she’s rebellious and is going to bring something new to the music industry. She has a positive facial expression which is playing on the typical rock/indie poses as they normally portray a unhappy look and try to be mysterious. However the positive look draws the reader in and makes the magazine more inviting.
My contents page continues the theme from the front page and the background is an image of the legs of the model from the front cover. The audience can then link these pages together and see how this artist is going to be featured a lot in the magazine. The artists is wearing striped trousers which catches the readers eye straight away and is appealing to the younger demographic who are always looking up to artists for new fashion ideas and trends. I have laid the page out in sections to make it easier for the reader to navigate their way around the magazine and this also helps to appeal to all different social groups as they can clearly see which sections appeal to them and which do not.
My first double page spread is just an image of the artist and a quote which relates to her. As she is the same age as the target audience, this page can be seen as quite inspiring to the readers as the pull quote also reinforces that her life was changed by music and that she was once an ordinary person. This represents the younger demographic well as it signifies that anyone can do something if they are dedicated.
My final double page spread includes my article and also another set of pictures of the artist, linked to outfit change on the first double page spread. The outfit has changed to a winter theme of pale greys and pinks and this makes it feel more feminine and helps to draw in the female target audience. I think the outfit is again very quirky and unusual and therefore reflects that of youths today. The language used in the article is very conversational and has a relaxed tone to it which keeps it very informal and consequently more enjoyable for the younger demographic to read.
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