Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation- Video 6

Evaluation 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of construction of the product?

Throughout the AS project, I have learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop a lot as that is what I created my whole magazine on. I think this is a suitable programme to use as it gives the whole magazine a more professional look because of the certain effects you can apply to text and images, and also how you can lay out the magazine in general. I learnt how to effectively cut around images in various different ways in Photoshop and this links to other useful technologies I used as YouTube helped me to learn how to do various things in Photoshop.

On YouTube I found numerous tutorials to help me create different effects I wanted in my magazine and I found these useful as they talked through the process step by step. I used this method of learning to help me create the Polaroid pictures on the contents page and also on how to cut out images successfully which I then used throughout my magazine. I also looked different artists that I had mentioned in my magazine on the contents and front cover and listened to their style of music to make sure it fit in well with my theme of indie/rock. I then placed these videos on my blog as part of my research before I created the magazine to make sure I had looked into the artists to check they were suitable before using their names.

Another new programme I was introduced to when completing my coursework was Adobe Bridge. This enabled me to create a contact sheet for my photo shoot, which is an easy way of displaying all the photos I took so I can place them on my blog and I can easily see all the photos. I also used Adobe premier to create a time-lapse video. This was done by a camera taking a photo every 5 seconds throughout the photo shoot, which I then put together to make a fast forwarded version of my photo shoot in premier. This is to reinforce that I actually took all the different shots myself and thought of all the shot ideas too.

Also, I used various search engines such as Google and Picsearch to help me find images and also information on bands to help me with the preparation of my magazine. These were used when completing the mood board and colour scheme tasks. Information websites such as Wikipedia also became very useful as they helped me to look at the background of existing magazines such as Q and NME and enables you to measure their success.  I also found out a lot about the different media companies that own magazines and this gave me ideas on which company I would like my magazine to be published by.

Finally, I started to use my webcam at home to make video diaries on some weeks and also to record peoples opinions on my magazine so I can post their feedback on my blog. I find this a good way of doing my diary entries as I can talk about what aspects I found hard that week and also what I completed each week. It makes it easier when I look back at my progress to see how much work I have completed each week and to see if I am on schedule.

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